jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2013

Strategies for an oral exam

There are also some strategies that will be useful in an oral exam . The typical oral exams are a mix of formal and informal speaking because there are two exercices of interacting and two of describing. So here there are some useful strategies:

-Find out what topics you'll be tested on .

-If you're describing a picture try to talk about the place, the scene, what do you see etc.
Practise standard expressions.

-Maintain good eye contact and posture.

-Pay close attention to the questions asked.

-Speak in complete sentences.

-In this kind of speaking is really important to be careful with the grammar and vocabulary used.

-When describing or explaining, try to organise the explanation before starting.

-Try not to say Spanish expressions like “ EMM” or “Vale”

-If you are nervous and you don't know how to express yourself, use other words.

Improving your speaking skills

In each English-speaking country there are usually many different accents and dialentcs, but also in those countries where English is spoken as a second or third language there are also different accents.

It's true that there is a standard of well spoken English, but don't be obsessed with that, it's impossible for you to speak a language in the same way as a native speaker does.

 So try to have a good accent but don't be obsessed with it because there are things like stress or intonation that are probably more important than the accent.

Here there are some strategies to improve your speaking:

-The most important point for interacting is having confidence,  and this is deppeloped by practising.

- In the classroom make sure you use English not only for doing exercises but also when you are speaking.

- Join English people or people to speak Eenglish to practise with them.

-Try to use English when you travel out of your country.

-Record yourself  speaking to see your pronunciation.

-Watch TV programs in English to get used to their accent or their way of intonation. Intonation is important to know what does the speaker mean and what does he feel.

How to speak in public

To do a speech or an oral presentation it's important to do some of these things:

- Be prepared. Know what your subject.

-Know your audience is also important to know how to do the speech

-Don't read or memorise
-Be self-confident.

-Use visual aids and examples, things that help the audience understand better what you are explaining.

-Maintain eye contact.

-Activily involve your audience, this will attract their attention.

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

Useful resources in my bookmark

Here there is my Bookmark, where you will find some interesting websites. These resources will be very useful to practise all of the skills we need to practise to keep learning and improving a foreign language.  

viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

Learning how to write

What do you think about writing in English? Do you make mistakes? Don't you know how to organise your texts?  There are some strategies that will help you doing a good writing:

- Write a little every day.

- Before writing, look for examples of other texts depending on the type of writing you want to do.

-Keep your reader in mind. 

- Learn useful expressions and connectors.

- Follow an order to write a text : 

       Plan - Draft - Read through - Rewrite

- Every kind of writing has a different structure and composition.

-Try to writte directly in English, not by translating. 

-Write the text depending on your public, you have to write something that they can understand.

- Use what you have learned about grammar, vocabulary etc.

-Write texts in different styles depending on the type of text. For example, you can't write an article in informal English, but you can do it when you write a letter to one of your friends. 

-Once written, correct  your work.

Oh, and don't forget that reading also improves writing!

Examples of writing structures

A letter                                  An article                                       An essay

lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2013

Pieces of advise on listening

Listening is a real-time skill which needs a lot of ability. It's important to listen well even if you are talking with native speakers, or you're listening to the radio, or even if you are doing a listening exercise at school. Remember that listening well is speaking well. 

While listening in a quotidian situation it's important to understand what you're hearing. Some advices I can give to you are:

-Predict and anticipate because that will help you to understand.

-Don't try to understand every word, just focus on the main idea that somebody wants to give to you. 

-Look at the facial expressions that will always help you to understand (for example in a dialogue or when watching TV).

If you are doing  listening exercises you have to put more attention:

- Underline the key words of the questions the ask you to focus on what you need to answear. 

- Try to concentrate and listen all the dialogue. 

- If there are multiple choises try to think how will the speakers say the possible answears in other words.

-The first time you listen try to find the answear and the second time try to make sure you have chosen the correct one.

If you do some of these things and you practice a little bit every day by watching a foreign TV channel, by listening to music, by doing some exercises etc., you will be a good listener

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

How to improve your reading

This is a 10 minutes long but interesting video of how to improve our reading skills.

How to improve your reading

Many people have difficulties with reading. Some of them don't read well the words, others don't understand what they read, some people don't like what they are reading so they don't concentrate etc. Reading is an ability that is important to be improved. Here there are some advices: 

- Read things that interest you. This will make easier your improvement.

-Think about your reasons for reading, this will help you, because it is different to read a menu than to read a book.

-Don't choose  too difficult readings that you won't be able to understand because you will get lost, and stressed. 

-While reading don't stop in every word you don't understand, look for the key words that will help you understand the topic or the main idea that the writer wants to express.

-If it's a short text, not a book, read it twice, the first time looking for the main ideas and the second one reading more carefully. 

-Finally, try to read it well by stoping on the comas and the spots and by  reading the words like they sound. But don't be too obsessed with that.

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

Pieces of advice on learning vocabulary

Leaning all of the vocabulary of a language is really difficult. There's a lot of vocabulary but you don't  expect to know all of it. If you want to learn vocabulary or to improve how to interpret the vocabulary that you don't understand of the language you’re learning, follow these advices:

-Read newspapers, books, magazines, and underline new vocabulary.You have to read texts on your level where you don't understand three of four words, but don't chose text with a lot of words you don't know.

-Listen to songs and read their lyrics to learn new words. It's a funny way of learning. Don't try to search words in the dictionary, it's boring and not very useful.

-If you don't know a word try to describe it with other words or just use another word or expression that is closer to it. 

-The new words you lear, write them in a Post-it and put it somewhere yo ucan read it every day. Don't try to memorise, just read this vocabulary every day to get used with it. 

- If you don’t know some of the word in a text, don’t stop reading; think about their meaning according to the context. 

-If you're writing a text and you don't know a word, look for some synonyms that you're more used to write. 

If you want to learn a new word you will have to pronouce it well, spell it well, know the situation when you can use it and finally know the positive or negative connotations that it has. 

jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

Learning grammar

Grammar is important when you learn a language because it helps us to learn quicker, it's like a shortcut.  Here there are some advices to learn grammar:

-Write schemes of grammar rules. Write them in the same text. The schemes will help you to revise while writing and to have a specific place where there are all the grammar rules.

-Look for patterns of a language

-Practise grammar exercises. You have to practice the rules you have studied. It's important to put into practise what you have studied. Do exercises like: correcting errors of a text, sentence transformation, filling the gaps, etc.

-Write compositions. Give them to a teacher who will correct your grammar faults.

-Don’t be obsessed only with grammar.

-If you don't understang a grammar rule of a word use logical deductions using some examples.
What you have to do is just make hypotesis using examples.

-Check everything after writing.

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

Learning styles

As you will see in the power point there are different types of learners. This power point will help you to find what learner you are and some strategies that you can use.

jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

Advices on learning a language

Learning a foreign language is never easy. Here there are some advices that would be helpful  for your language learning. First of all, there are four main points that are essential to learn a language:

-Having motivation
-Having  memory
-The input
- The output

To improve these aspects you can do different things, here there are some examples: 

-Think about your reasons for learning. Ii'ts important to enjoy what you are doing.

-Think about your goals and priorities before starting learning a language.

-Writing a diary explaining, using this foreign language, what you do every day. It's important to take time and effort. 

.-Reading articles that attract your attention and underlining the words you don’t understand. You can write these words in a Post-it, and put it somewhere you see it every day. 

-Speaking with native people.

-Listening to the radio, to music, and watching interesting videos in this language.

-Writing summaries of the grammar of the language. 

miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013


Hello, I'm Verónica and this is a guide with some strategies and resources that will help you learning a language. Here you will find advices to improve all the skills of your learning. 
I hope you like it.